如何查看 nginx 的rewrite记录

如何查看 nginx 的rewrite记录

设置 rewrite_log on;

并且将error_log 的报错等级改成 notice;

官网对 rewrite_log 的解释:

Syntax:	rewrite_log on | off;
rewrite_log off;
Context:	http, server, location, if
Enables or disables logging of ngx_http_rewrite_module module directives processing results into the error_log at the notice level.

可以看到,这个指令只能在 http server location if 配置指令中使用,日志等级是 notice 写入到 error_log 配置的文件中。


url: /q?someparams

2021/04/22 18:21:28 [notice] 18131#0: *102982 "^/+m/question(.*)?qid=\d+(.*)?$" does not match ...
... 中间省略一些日志
2021/04/22 18:21:28 [notice] 18131#0: *102982 "^/+question/(\w+.*?)$" does not match ...
2021/04/22 18:21:28 [notice] 18131#0: *102982 "^/+q\?(.*)?tn=nsatom_qb_main(.*)?$" matches ...
2021/04/22 18:21:28 [notice] 18131#0: *102982 "^/+q" matches ...
2021/04/22 18:21:28 [notice] 18131#0: *102982 rewritten data: "/q/q/q/q/q"

从上面的日志中可以看出,当触发了重写规则时,会有关键字 matches 否则会有 does not match

最终重写完成之后,访问的地址会有标记:rewritten data

这里就是 /q/q/q/q/q


best way to debug nginx rewrite rules in config file?

nginx官方文档:Module ngx_http_rewrite_module
